2 Ağustos 2012 Perşembe


What sort of healty problems people may have when they get old if they live an unhealthy life ?

There is no doubt that in today’s world more conditions play a serious role on human’s health. However, great deals of people live without thinking about their future into unhealthy conditions. These conditions cause many sort of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, insomnia, rheumatism and high cholesterol. Therefore, it’s possible to claim that lifestyle and nutrition are most significant factors leading to unhealthy life.

To begin with, lifestyle is one of the key factors that induce health problem because of stress and sedentary work conditions. Initially, it’s acknowledged that stressful work conditions lead to stress-related illnesses because stress reducing brain activity influences almost all areas in body especially heart which is an integral part of body. Therefore, stress provides a basis for heart attack and, moreover, it aggravates the existing heart diseases. As an illustration, research conducted in Ankara University reveals that myriads of people had a heart attack after they had been retired from their stressful job. Another problem contributed to unhealthy life is sedentary lifestyle. Having a sedentary lifestyle particularly in business life induces pains in muscle or joints. In other word, these pains called rheumatism is a miserable outcome of unmoving life. To exemplify, according to scientists studying with regard to rheumatism, people should avoid sedentary job and take an exercise for muscles and joints. In conclusion, stressful and sedentary lifestyle is the biggest adversary of healthy life and result in a lot of health problems.

In addition to lifestyle leading to unhealthy life, it should be mentioned that nutrition and diet has a profound impact in the formation of some disease owing to junk food and obesity. The first recognizable problem is about how poor nutrition affects human’s life. Fast food consisted of perilous matters for human’s body such as saturated fats leads to an increase in rate of fat in vessels and this dynamics are called cholesterol. That is, the more fatty food people consume, the higher risk of cholesterol they have. For instance, research conducted indicates that number of people having high cholesterol level due to junk food has increased tremendously. Moreover, in tandem with nutrition, one of the most effective problems of unhealthy life obesity depended on malnutrition. Obesity called as disease of modern life influences cardiovascular system and thus obesity can result in fatal heart diseases. For example, heart attack, disease which people are the most afraid of, occurs due to obesity. As a result, nutrition and obesity depended on malnutrition absolutely has an utmost significance on unhealthy life.

To sum up, taking into account all considerations and factors, essay can be succinctly summarized in the light of aforementioned information. The myriad health problems forming unhealthy life emerge from lifestyle and nutrition. Lifestyle can be separated as a stressful and sedentary job while junk food and obesity form a basis of unhealthy life from nutrition standpoint. I strongly support that a lot of diseases will have increased their sphere influence on human’s health until the near future because people do not take care of their health.

Advanced-Upper Reading ( LİNK YENİLENDİ )

Advanced ve Upper düzeyinde readingler geldi, kolay gelsin.


1 Ağustos 2012 Çarşamba

Organizasyon ve Content

Bu dosyayı kimden aldığımı hatırlamıyorum ama çok işe yarar bir şey var burada.  Organizasyon ve context'i doğrudan etkileyecek bir şema var. 
Bu yazıda ki renkli yerler bize "Thesis Statement, paragraflara giriş, suppoting idea'lara giriş ve sonuç cümlesinde" sorudan nasıl uzaklaşılmadan yazılırın tüyolarını veriyor.
Sorudan kopmadan sadece bu kısımları yazmak ise bize en başından artı puan sağlayacak sınavda.
Biraz inceledikten sonra bana hak vereceksiniz.

Are pricing strategies important for a company to be successful? Why/Why not?
1.    Economic aspects
a.             Higher sales: Apple iPhone:  Value-based pricing strategy
b.             Higher prices for future products: Apple iDevices
2.    Prestige
a.              Positive feedback from customers: Rolex
b.             Popularity in the market/among competitors: Wall-mart: Cost-based pricing strategy
KEY:      TOPIC                    STANCE(OPINION)                         MAIN IDEA                        SUPPORTING IDEA
There are so many aspects that a company should pay attention to in marketing process. It might start with the time even before a company launches a product and continues with which strategy to choose before starting to sell them, and this process never ends even after a company has sold its products to consumers. Considering this process, one of the important steps is planning how to introduce and sell the product in the market. Of all these components, choosing the price for the product has an utmost importance since one of the significant aims of a company is to make a profit not a loss. Therefore, it is possible to claim that choosing the right pricing strategies is highly vital for the firm to be successful especially due to its effects on the economic conditions and the prestige of a company.
Initially, pricing strategies may certainly be considerable especially in terms of a company’s economic conditions. The first observable benefit of choosing the right pricing strategy is its considerable benefit on the sales of company. Since this can directly affect the profit, companies, while deciding on pricing strategies, should always try to come up with a creative idea. For instance, although iPhones, a brand name of mobile phones produced by Apple, are told to cost around 50-100 dollars, Apple uses value-based pricing strategies, and the company knows that people desire to have one of their iDevices by paying more than a few hundred dollars. Since it creates a high quality image in people’s mind, it can be seen that iPhone is the best-selling mobile phone brand when compared with other ones. Moreover, when a company projects its own image like this, and when it is associated with quality, popularity or a kind of fame, people tend to buy other future products by the same company by paying a similar amount of money. To illustrate, Apple is not only famous for its mobile phone brand, but it also sells other iDevices such as tablets, IP TVs, and accessories at similar prices, which make the company even more profitable. As a result, choosing the right pricing strategy, even if it is far higher than the real cost of the product itself, always helps a company to make a considerable profit thanks to its guaranteeing higher sales and similar prices for future products.
In addition to its effect on sales, choosing the right pricing strategy might also help a company to become prestigious. Quality of a product always comes first, and when it is also reinforced with the positive feedback received from customers thanks to pricing strategies, a company can become really successful. For instance, Rolex is a luxury Swiss watch brand, and it is one of the most expensive ones on the market. Marketers and economists claim that Rolex is a quality brand; however, what makes it even more high quality is the price as well. Some claim that if Rolex watches were sold at a lower price, it would not be as prestigious as it is now. It is possible to understand this when the feedback and customers’ comments are taken into account, and there is no customer who is so unhappy or disappointed to pay such an amount of money for these watches. Additionally, choosing the right pricing strategy is the factor which makes a company popular among other competitors. Wal-Mart in the USA is a brand name of a retailer that sells all types of goods at a lower price. Since the company can both manufacture items and sell them in its own stores, it uses cost-based pricing strategy and sells its products at really good prices. As a result, this company is one of the largest retail chains around the world and best known for its price and quality. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that the right pricing strategy could bring prestige for a company both positive feedbacks from customers and thanks to its popularity in the market.
All in all, the importance of pricing strategies for a company is an unquestionable topic. As also mentioned above, there could be lots of benefits of choosing the right strategy for a particular product. One of the leading advantages is its economic aspects which refer to higher sales, prices and of course a higher profit. Another benefit is related to how it can help company become prestigious thanks to feedback from customers and its popularity among competitors. Therefore, the more carefully companies consider pricing strategies, the more benefits they will have during their operations.
Word Count: 756


 what can people do to improve their health ?

In modern life, human-beings are confronted with many drawbacks. There is no doubt that health problems are one of the most important drawbacks affecting human's life quality. However, health can be recognizably improved with some consumption and alteration. That is, some consumption such as taking exercise, giving up smoking and cutting down fatty foods help people to enhance their health. Therefore, it's impossible to claim that altering lifestyle and giving up bad habits have an utmost significance for how people can improve their health.

To begin with, in order to improve their health, people must alter their lifestyle. The first observable alteration in lifestyle is to begin taking an exercise. In other word, people having a sedentary lifestyle should make the transition from sedentary lifestyle to an active one in that a sedentary lifestyle induces some health problems such as obesity. Therefore, if human wants to relieve pain in their own body, they should encourage themselves to take a sport. As an illustration, according to scientific magazines, substantial numbers of obese people get healthy life by doing exercise regularly. Another point to improve their health is changing of location related to healthy life. That is, location has profound impact because life-expectancy depends on location. In addition, the factors such as air contamination and bad habits influencing humans health rely on location. For instance, myriad of inhabitants in Mediterranean countries amazingly have a long life-expectancy because of Mediterranean’s nature and diet habits, while city dwellers in industrial city die in early ages owing to air pollution. As a result, people alter their lifestyle to improve their health.

In addition ways to alter lifestyle, giving up bad habits plays a crucial role a human’s health. In first place, smoking and drinking alcohol are the most perilous enemies of healthy life because smoking causes heart attack and lung cancer while alcohol gives a huge harm on liver. Therefore, cigarette should be constrained by government. As an illustration, according to statistic of government, life-expectancy of people giving up smoking have recognizably increased. In second place, cutting down on hazardous food is one of the key factors improving their health. Another mean of this is balanced diet because the basic necessity of human’s body is not only fat but also protein and carbohydrate. Hence, it people do not have balanced-diet some illnesses may be observed on human. To illustrate, research conducted by professor of nutrition reveals that a balanced diet increases average life expectancy while consuming too fatty food and salty food leads to fatal diseases. As a result, giving up bad habits and cutting down on dangerous food are very crucial opportunities to improve their health.

To sum up, taking into account all consideration and factors, this essay can be summarized in the light of aforementioned information. Basically, altering lifestyle and giving up bad habits enable people to improve their health. Altering lifestyle can be separated as a taking exercise and location, while giving up bad habits such as smoking and cutting down on hazardous food form a basis of healthy life. I strongly support that the question about how people can improve their health will be persisting their popularity because humans are the same in every age and think only about their health.     

14 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

Essay yazımını kolaylaştıracak kalıplar ve bağlaçlar

Sağdan Soldan bulduklarımı birleştirdim, devamı gelecek daha...


Ø The question of whether English instruction at university should be obligatory has been debated for decades.

Ø ... is a complex phenomenon.

Ø … is a controversial issue. (çelişkili, tartışmalı konularda)


Ø has major advantages/effects/results/etc. in terms of … (noun) and … (noun)

Ø Obesity has two major effects: one on health and the other on social life.

Ø Getting university education at a private university is advantageous (avantajlı) for a variety (çeşitli) of reasons.


Ø 1. The first reason/etc. that is worth mentioning (bahsedilmeye değer) is home working.

Ø 2.The rationale behind(gerisindeki mantık) working from home is to reduce the time which is

spent in traffic.

Ø 3.That is to say/In other words/To put it another way, ...

Ø One significant result/etc. of getting promotion is a higher income.

Ø Another equally(aynı ölçüde) important effect/etc. is ...

Ø A further noteworthy(bahse değer) reason/etc. of ... is ...

Ø Another reason/etc. of why a person should receive education in private school is related to (alakalı) technology.


Ø Result of a survey conducted in various companies(çeşitli şirketlerle yürütülmüş araştırma sonuçları)show that ...

Ø The result of a survey indicate(göstermek) that ...

Ø Polls(anket) show that, ...


Ø All in all, ...

Ø In conclusion, ...

Ø Consequently, ...

Ø As a result of this, ...


Ø In the light of the information given above, ... (yukarıda verilen bilgilerin ışığında)

Ø To summarize all my points that I explained so far, ... (şimdiye kadar açıkladığım tüm noktaları özetlersek)


Ø Although (rağmen) he wasn’t hungry, he ate the sandwiches. +full sentence

Ø Despite (rağmen) her sadness, she smiled. +noun

Ø In spite of (rağmen) being crowded, dormitories are good for student to socialize. +full sentence

Ø Regardless of the fact that (bu konudan bağımsız olarak)

Ø Regardless of their level students makes basic mistakes.

Ø Obese people not only suffer from physical problems but also face social restrictions.

Ø Due to the fact that (because of) +full sentence

Ø Apart from (haricinde)

Ø Unlike (aksine)

Ø Nevertheless(but, however)

Ø Otherwise (aksi takdirde)

Ø Doubtless to say, (şüphesiz ki/söylemeye gerek bile yok ki)

Ø ... indeed (in fact, cümle sonunda kullanılır.)

Ø Whatever it takes (ne gerekirse)

Ø It is certain that ... (şu belli ki)

Ø It is a fact that (şu bir gerçek ki)

Ø When compared to (kıyaslandığında)

Ø Whereas (on the other hand)

Ø Particularly (özellikle)

Ø Among others (diğerlerinin arasında)


Ø English has an undeniable (reddedilemez) importance in business life.

Ø Writing essay require (gerektirmek) grammar knowledge.

Ø Everything has its drawbacks. (her şeyin sakıncaları/dezavantajları vardır)

Ø Work comprises (oluşturmak) an important part of human life.

Ø People work primarily (firstly, öncelikle) for money.

Ø Students who attend office hours are more likely (daha büyük olasılıkla) to pass than the ones who don’t.

Ø Look/seem worse than it really is. (olduğundan daha kötü görünüyor)

Ø Vocabulary enables (olanak vermek) us to articulate (ifade etmek) ourselves.


Advantages of technology in education

Topic : what are the advantages that technology provides in field on education ?
1-) Financial Aspect
a-campus life
b-university's fees

2-)Development of skills

In tandem with development of technology the copious differences were observed in people's life and technology affected a lots fields of human's life.One of these fields is education. There is no doupt that in today's world technology has an undeniable importance in education. In education, innovations such as corrospondent education and reinforcement of skills such as literacy can be associated with changing technology. Therefore, it's possible to claim that technology provides a highly vital advantages especially due to several crucial aspects such as financial and devolopment of skills for students.

Initialy, corrospondent education which emerges from improvment of technology as a neccesity in education possitively contributes to budget in terms of financial. The first observable fiscal advantage that is worth mentioned is decreasing expenditure in campus life. The expenditures in campus consist of fundemental neccesities such as dormitory, transportation and food-beverage. Total cost of these is substantial amount of money. Nonethales, on the contrary, using computer and having internet are sufficient for corrospendent education.Therefore, it provides inexpensive education for students. To illustrate, outcome of a survey conducted among various student groups indicates that more student prefer corrospondent education why  it's inexpensive and beneficial. Another benefit of why corrospendent education has a utmost significance in terms of fiscal is releated to university's fees. Some students want to receive main education for their own aims in life such as getting a job. Having a certificate is adequate to get a job. Therefore, they trade-off between corrospondance education and high education. Expectedly they prefer corrospondent education owing to their own basic aims because annual fees of universities is very expansive. In conclusion, technology provides a basis for corrospondent education and thus it plays a crucial role in personal budget in terms of financial.


Yazarken neye dikkat edelim ?

Yazmaya başlamadan önce bir kaç tavsiye vermek istiyorum. Kendinize bir fiil listesi çıkarın özellikle upper ve advanced kurlarında ki readingleri inceleyerek. Birde geçmişte yazdığınız essaylare bakıp en sık kullandığınız işinize en çok yarayacak sıfat ve zarları belirleyin, ve yine aynı şekilde sıfat ve zarf listesi çıkarın. Özellikle eş anlamlılarını bulun.
Yazarken Şaban Demirkol arkadaşımızn söylediği gramer tekniğini kullanmaya dikkat edelim. Nedir bu,
Noun clause
Perfect tense
If type 1-2-3
Bu yazılanları en az bir cümlede bile olsa kullanmak. Çünkü bir cümlede bile doğru kullansak okuyan hocanın gözünde bu gramer konusunu biliyor olarak gözükeceğiz ve notumuz durduk yere artacak.Nerede kullanacam dediğinizi duyuyorum :) Kasmıyoruz kendimizi, perfect tense intoda kullanılabilir, future tense opinion kısmında kullanılabilir, noun clause thesis statement yada supporting idea verilirken kullanılabilir, passive ve causative her yerde kullanılabilir.
SON olarak yazarken konuyu düşünün ve aklınıza gelen ilk cümleyi yazın. Yazarken duraksayıp şöyle yazsam daha iyi olurdu diye düşündüğümüz an kaybettiğimiz andır çünkü tüm organizasyonu değiştirmek zorunda kalıyoruz bir cümleyi değiştirdik diye.Bugün farkına vardım sizde de oluyordur belki :)

Neden böyle bir işe giriştim ?

Öncelikle başka üniversitelerde okuyan arkadaşlarımın "hazırlığı mı geçemedin ? " gibi alaycı sorularından bunaldım ve bu okulun hazırlığının sanıldığı kadar kolay olmadığını anlatmak istedim. Alın işte yazdıklarım, belgelerle geldim bu sefer :) :)
İkinci olarak benimle aynı dertten muzdarip arkadaşların yararlanabileceği materyaller yüklemek, umarım yararlanan birileri çıkar :)

Bugün düşündüm de işallah Trace'i geçersem 4sene boyunca devam ettirecem bu bloğu.

12 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe

Brain and Gender

Nature created humanity whereas it basiclly created humanity as two genderes , these are male and female. However, males and females are different from each other. One person, who looks human body from outside, sees some differences. Even if male and female body seems like same, in fact there are no resemblances between man and women body’s some parts. One of these parts which is not resemblance each other, is brain.  Differences in brain effect human life from many aspects such as social life, medicine. In generally, structural and reactional differences play a very important role to be understood of differences between men and women’s brain by everyone.

First of all, structural differences in women and men brain influence some aspects such as mathematic ability and language due to hemisphere variety.  Some differences are seen between structures of gender’s hemispheres. Firstly, it affects mathematic ability. Left side of hemisphere is control center of mathematical ability and problem-solving and this section of the brain is used differently by man and woman. Source of this difference is brain size. Men’s left hemisphere is larger than woman’s left hemisphere. Therefore, men tend to use more mathematical ability than women. For example, Einstein who is groundbreaking person for science world has ability to use mathematical amazingly because the research shows that Einstein’s left side is abnormally large. Secondly, it affects language ability. Two hemispheres of brain are utilized for language. Men only process language in their dominant hemispheres but women process language in both hemispheres. That is, woman learns a foreign language faster than man. In conclusion, mathematic ability and language play important role to prove structural differences between men and women brain.

Reactions differences in men and women brain influence some behavioral ways against pain and stress owing to hormones and amygdala. Hormones and chemicals which are produced by women and men are not same and even if some hormones are same, these hormones are secreted in different rate in women and men’s body. Therefore, some problems occur in body differently. Firstly, different reactions which are rooted in hormones in the face of stress are sees. Hormone of stress is secreted in everyone, this hormone is called oxytocin. Estrogen which is secreted hormone by women’s brain increases an oxytocin resulting, testosterone hormone which is produced by men’s brain, decrease effect of oxytocin. Therefore, men show aggressive behaves in the face of stress while women approach as befriend to stress. Secondly, amygdala which effect sense of pain provide to be feels pain differently by women and men. Amygdala is activated during pain and while right side of amygdale is activated in man, left side of amygdale is activated in women. Task of right side is about external functions but task of left side is about internal functions. Therefore, women more feel pain than men. Medicine produces a lot of painkiller for this cause. In conclusion, pain and stress play important role in order to exhibit reactions differences between men and women’s brain.

To sum up, Women and men are not same and some variety exists between both them. Differences in brain which effect human lives from many aspects such as social life, medicine are structural and reactions differences. Structural variety effects mathematical ability and language because of difference hemisphere. Reaction variety affects to behave in the face of pain and stress due to hormones and some part of brain. In my opinion, men and women always have been different whereas if these differences did not exist, women and men would not learn to live together.  Difference is beatiful.

 Hasan Zafer