19 Ağustos 2013 Pazartesi

Essay Topics Advanced

Essay topics Advanced
1.    “Should there be a ban on television advertisements aimed at children?” Why? Why not?
2.    “Is it morally acceptable to experiment on non-humans such as animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings?”
3.    “Should Nuclear Weapons be abolished?” Why / Why not?
4.    “Should human cloning be banned?” Why / Why not?
5.    “Should governments censor material on the World Wide Web?” Why / Why not?
6.    What are the problems facing urban places and what are some possible solutions?
7.    According to you, what is the best innovation in the world thus far? Why do you think it is the best innovation?
8.    What are the positive and negative effects of forest fires?
9.    What are the causes and/or effects of globalization?
10. Compare the harmful and beneficial effects of advertising on people.
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying at an English medium university?
12. What are the consequences of divorce on children?
13. What are the causes and effects of obesity?
14. What are the benefits and harmful effects of technology on human life?
15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Too much democracy for people destroys the society” Support your answer with reasons, explanations and/or examples.
16.  In your opinion what can be done to improve the health care system in Turkey?
17. What is culture shock and what can people do to overcome or manage it?
18. In your opinion, what can the Turkish government do to solve or minimize the economic problems in the country?   
19. Which of the following is more important in becoming a successful business person: experience or good education? Why?
20.  Is effective communication in business important? Why? Why not?
21. Many people feel that the use of surveillance cameras in public places, such as parking lots, is a good idea that can help ensure our safety. Others worry that too much cameras violate our right to privacy and give law enforcement officials too much power. In your opinion, should we install more surveillance cameras in public places? Why or why not ?
22. What are the advantages and disadvantages that technology provides in field of education?
23. Does a high IQ or a high EQ ensure success in a person’s career? Why? Explain.

1.     What is the greatest cause of damage to nature today? Can we redeem it and how?

1.     What can business people do to ensure their business’ sustainability?

1.  Which one do you think is more important in efficient learning: intelligence or hardwork? Explain.
1.  In your opinion, why are some people afraid of technology?
2.  How has technology evolved over time?
3.  Which technological improvement(s)/invention(s) in history was/were the most important one(s)? Support your opinion by giving reasons.
1.  What can people do to improve their health?
2.  What sort of health problems people may have when they get old, if they live an unhealthy life?
3.  What are the effects of modern life or technology on people’s health?

İntoduction Kalıbı

Bu kalıptan daha güzel bir kalıp bulmanız mümkün değil çünkü soru ne olursa olsun kullanılabilir. Hemde tamamen okulun istediği gibi advanced düzeyi kalıp ve kelimelerden oluşmuş, organizasyonu yine okulun istediği gibi düzgün olan bir kalıptır. İntroduction bölümünü 10-15 dakikada yazmanız body kısımları için müthiş bir kolaylık sağlar. Bu da daha yüksek puan alma anlamına gelir dolayısıyla.

After decades of debate, one of the most frequently discussed issue that has a profound place on economic level is what(how,whether) can be done to solve economic problems in Turkey. Accordingly, numerous points of view have been disscussed/ mentioned by Turkish economics. Some argue that rate of tax should be specified according to people's income. In addition to this aspectothers buttress that the governments ought to take measures to solve unemloyment problem because this problem encompasses whole turkish economy. (As a matter of fact / It can be clearly seen that) there are certainly many different (points of views/ perspective) in terms of problems that governments should decipher. Therefore, it's possible to claim that      Idea 1     and     Idea 2 are most significant factors helping to solve the economic problems.

Sorudaki anahtar kelime ne ise ona göre şekil verirsin.avantaj-problem-faktör-etki gibi... Kalın yerler kalıp niteliğinde olan yerler, geri kalanı soruya göre doldurun.
what/how kısmını ise yine soruya göre şekillendirirsiniz.

200-250 adet Advanced Seviye Kelime

TRACE denen lanet sınavı geçmenizi aşırı kolaylaştıracak olan, el emeği göz nuru yaklaşık 3 ayda çıkardığım ve TRACE'i geçmemi sağlayan kelime listemi sizlerle paylaşacağım.

Adverb, adjective, verb, noun diye ayırdığım ve en sık kullanılan collacationlarının da yazılı olduğu bu listede sadece advanced düzeyi kelimeler mevcuttur. Bu yüzden alt seviyelerde iseniz, bu ne amk gibi tepki vermeyiniz.

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